A Comprehensive Guide on Maine Coon Teeth

A Comprehensive Guide on Maine Coon Teeth

Maine Coon teeth

Maine Coon cats are really popular because they look good and have great personalities. But, before you decide to get one, there are some important things to know. When Maine Coon kittens are born, they don’t have any teeth, just like human babies.

Maine Coon teeth start growing from 3rd week after birth and usually have 26 teeth by the time they’re 6 weeks old. When they’re about 11 weeks old, adult Maine coon teeth begin to come in and replace the baby teeth.

By the time a kitten is 6 months old, it has all 30 adult teeth. After this, it’s crucial to take care of their teeth to avoid gum disease.

The Maine Coon cat is a beloved breed in America and it’s really interesting. They have adapted to the cold winters of Maine, growing long fur, tufted ears, and strong muscles. These cats are friendly and tough, but they can also have health problems, especially with their teeth.

Maine Coon Teeth:

  1. Healthy teeth are very important for Maine coon.
  2. You’ll need to assist your Maine Coon in keeping its teeth clean and healthy.
  3. Maine Coon cat teeth often have issues with gum disease.
  4. Brushing your Maine Coon teeth every day can help avoid many dental problems.

This article covers all you need to know to keep Maine Coon teeth healthy. Regular brushing is crucial to prevent tooth decay and gum disease, which can be painful and lead to more serious issues.

Maine Coons with poor dental care often struggle with decayed teeth, which can make eating painful. Keeping Maine coon teeth healthy is key to their overall well-being.

How Many Teeth Do Maine Coons Have? 

Maine Coon kittens start with 26 baby teeth, and when they grow up, they have 30 permanent adult teeth. This is similar to humans: babies have 20 baby teeth, and adults have 32 permanent teeth.

Maine Coon cat teeth are of different types, each with its job. Here’s a summary of their teeth and what they do:

Incisors: Used for gripping and tearing food.

Canines: Also known as fangs, they’re for holding and tearing food.

Premolars: Help with cutting and shearing food.

Molars: Used for grinding and crushing food.

Tooth Type   Quantity  Location Function
Small Incisors 12 6 in the upper jaw
6 in the lower jaw
Helps keep the cat’s tongue in place and grasp food
Canine Teeth 4 2 in the upper jaw
2 in the lower jaw
Sharp teeth used for killing and tearing prey
Premolars 10 3 on each side of the upper jaw
2 on each side of the lower jaw
Sharp-edged teeth for shearing prey into small pieces
Molars 4 1 on each side of the upper jaw
1 on each side of the lower jaw
Sharp-edged teeth for shearing prey into small pieces

Maine Coon Cat Teething Timeline

When kittens are born, they don’t have any teeth. Around 3 weeks old, their baby Maine Coon teeth start to grow up. These baby teeth are smaller and pointier than their adult teeth. By 6 weeks, a kitten typically has 26 baby teeth. At around 3 to 4 months old, their adult teeth start growing.

These teeth are wider and have flat edges as compared to their baby teeth. Between 4 to 5 months old, the kitten’s baby teeth begin to fall out. By 6 months, a cat usually has a full set of 30 permanent teeth.

Time Period What Happens
Birth Kittens are born without teeth
2 to 3 weeks Pointed tips of milk teeth become visible through the gums
3 to 4 weeks Incisors start appearing
4 to 5 weeks Canine teeth next to incisors emerge
5 to 6 weeks Premolars at the back of the mouth come in
6 to 7 weeks All 26 temporary teeth have broken through the gums
11 to 12 weeks Milk teeth begin to fall out to make way for permanent teeth
14 to 18 weeks Adult teeth are halfway out of the gums, causing discomfort
6 months All 30 permanent teeth are in place

Maine Coon Teeth vs. Normal Cat

Size and Structure

Maine Coon teeth vs normal cats, Maine coon teeth have larger teeth because of their big size. Additionally, they have extra molars behind their fangs, a feature not found in typical cat breeds. These additional teeth, especially the double fangs, make caring for Maine Coon teeth more challenging.


Maine Coon cat teeth are bigger because they are larger than other cats. They also have extra molars behind their fangs, which most other cat breeds don’t have. These extra teeth, especially the double fangs, make taking care of Maine Coon teeth more difficult.


Maine Coon teeth typically grow into their permanent teeth slightly faster than regular cats, although the difference is small. Check out the teething timeline below for more details.

Period Teething Milestone Description
Birth No teeth Kittens are born without teeth
2 to 3 weeks Incisors erupt front teeth poke out of the gums, 6 on top and 6 on the bottom
3 to 4 weeks Canines erupt Teeth beside the outermost incisors come in, 2 on the upper and lower Maine coon jaw
4 to 6 weeks Premolars erupt The last set of teeth to come out, 3 on the top and 2 on the bottom
8 weeks Temporary teeth are fully out All 26 temporary teeth are visible
3.5 to 4 months Incisors start falling out Temporary incisors begin to shed, making room for permanent ones
4 to 5 months Canines and premolars start falling out Temporary canines and premolars begin to fall out
7 months Permanent teeth in place All 30 permanent teeth have replaced the temporary set

As we already discuss the Maine coon cat teeth timeline, we can easily identify the differences. When a cat, whether it’s a Maine Coon or a regular breed, is teething, it needs special attention. It’s important to watch out for these signs:

  1. Drooling
  2. Loss of appetite
  3. Pawing at the mouth because their face is sensitive
  4. Bleeding gums
  5. Chewing or gnawing a lot
  6. Not grooming themselves as usual

Usually, teething goes smoothly, but it’s still important to take your kitten to the vet for regular check-ups to make sure their mouth is healthy.

Maine Coon Teeth Care

Maine Coon Teeth Care

When you first bring your kitten home, brushing Maine coon teeth might not be a top priority. However, it’s incredibly important to brush their teeth every day or at least 2-4 times a week. Brushing helps prevent tartar and plaque buildup, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

These dental issues can be uncomfortable for your cat and may require expensive veterinary treatment if left untreated. It’s essential to address the root cause to avoid costly procedures like tooth removal or other dental work. If you’re unsure about the importance of brushing Maine coon cat teeth, consider this concerning statistic about cat dental health.

Since your Maine Coon can’t brush their own teeth, you need to do it for them. Don’t worry; it’s not as complicated as it sounds. Here’s a simple 11-step process to brush your Maine coon teeth:

  1. Get your cat comfortable by petting and talking to them.
  2. Choose a quiet, calm place to brush their teeth.
  3. Use a cat toothbrush or finger brush.
  4. Pick cat-specific toothpaste in a flavor your cat likes.
  5. Let your cat taste the toothpaste.
  6. Gently hold your cat’s head and lift their lips to expose their teeth.
  7. Start by brushing the outer surfaces of their teeth in small circular motions.
  8. Gradually work your way to the inner surfaces.
  9. Pay extra attention to the back teeth where plaque tends to build up.
  10. Be patient and take breaks if your cat gets restless.
  11. Reward your cat with praise or a treat after brushing to make it a positive experience.

Before you start, make sure you have the right tools: a cat toothbrush or finger brush and cat toothpaste. You can find these items on Amazon.

  • Soft-bristled cat toothbrush
  • Finger toothbrush
  • Cat toothbrush
  • Dental care kit for cats
  • Butter

Tips When Brushing Maine Coon Kitten Teeth:

Here are some simple tips for brushing baby Maine Coon teeth:

  1. Start early: Begin brushing your kitten’s teeth when they are young, so they get used to the routine.
  2. Use the right tools: Get toothbrushes and toothpaste made specifically for cats to keep their teeth safe. Don’t use human toothpaste, as it’s harmful to cats.
  3. Let them explore: Allow your kitten to sniff and explore the toothbrush and toothpaste to get used to them.
  4. Be gentle: Brush your kitten’s teeth with gentle circular motions, focusing on the back teeth where plaque tends to build up.
  5. Offer reassurance: Give verbal praise and rewards to make teeth brushing a positive experience for your kitten.
  6. Brush regularly: Aim to brush your kitten’s teeth 2-3 times a week to maintain their oral health and prevent gum disease.

How To Spot Cat Dental Issues:

Cats are good at hiding dental pain, so it’s important to watch for signs that something might be wrong. Look out for these key indicators:

  1. Drooling
  2. Tilting their head to eat food on one side
  3. Dropping food repeatedly
  4. Making small yelps of discomfort when eating
  5. Red or inflamed gums
  6. Bad breath
  7. Grinding their teeth

Dental Problems in Maine Coon Cats and Remedies:

Good dental health is very important for all cats, but especially for Maine Coons. Their special teeth can easily get periodontal diseases if not taken care of properly.

Remember, it’s important to brush your Maine Coon’s teeth daily with a special cat toothbrush and toothpaste. If brushing isn’t possible, you can use finger pads, dental wipes, chewy toys, or special dental cat food/treats.

Keep in mind that dental problems affect 80% of cats aged 2 years and older, including Maine Coons. Here are some common teeth issues for this breed.

1.   Feline Juvenile Gingivitis

Gingivitis is when a cat’s gum around the tooth gets inflamed due to plaque and bacteria. It’s very common in cats of any age or breed. If not cleaned regularly, gingivitis can get worse and lead to more serious gum problems like periodontal disease. If this condition occurs at a younger age, it can be termed as Feline juvenile Gingivitis.

Juvenile Gingivitis in cats can be caused by different diseases like feline leukemia virus, feline immunodeficiency virus, feline calicivirus, and autoimmune diseases. The main culprit is the buildup of food and bacteria around the teeth. Just like in humans, if you don’t brush your cat’s teeth regularly, they can get gingivitis or even worse, periodontal disease.

The main signs of juvenile gingivitis in cats are:

  • Red and swollen gums
  • Bad breath
  • Drooling

To treat feline juvenile gingivitis, regular cleanings and check-ups are necessary. You can also give your cat treats specifically made to clean their gums, like water additives or special chicken-flavored treats that remove plaque.

2.   Stomatitis

Stomatitis, also known as Feline Chronic Gingivostomatitis (FCGS), is a condition where there’s widespread inflammation in a cat’s mouth. This includes the gums, tongue, roof of the mouth, and insides of the mouth. It’s very painful for cats.

Stomatitis affects about 2% of Maine Coon cats. Factors that might make a cat more likely to get stomatitis include having Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) or Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV). Other causes could be Calicivirus, Juvenile Onset Periodontitis, gum disease, or genetics.

Symptoms of Feline Stomatitis:

  • Bad breath
  • Growling at food
  • Drooling
  • Turning head sideways when eating
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Decreased grooming

Treatment involves removing Maine coon teeth behind the upper and lower fang teeth. In severe cases, all teeth might need to be removed. This helps stop the overactive immune response triggered by plaque. Most cats respond well to treatment. Even without teeth, they can still eat soft food and live without pain.

3.   Periodontitis

If gingivitis isn’t treated, it can turn into periodontitis. This causes long-term swelling that can weaken the Maine coon jaw bones and tissues. Cats with periodontitis may also have bad breath, lose teeth, and lose their appetite.

Like severe gingivitis, periodontitis can be treated with teeth scaling and polishing if caught early. But for advanced cases, the only option may be to remove loose teeth.

4.   Tooth Resorption

When Maine coon teeth break and lesions appear at the gum line, it’s a sign that the cat is experiencing tooth resorption. This condition can happen after the mentioned diseases or for unknown reasons. There are two main ways to deal with this dental problem: removing the entire tooth or just the affected part. The vet will decide which is best after taking X-rays of the cat’s mouth.

You may also interested in: Is the Maine Coon Hypoallergenic.


Did you learn anything new from this article about Maine Coon teeth vs normal cat? We hope so! Maine Coons are special cats and understanding how their teeth are different can be helpful for anyone looking after them.

Maine Coon cats have different patterns as compared to normal cats so, one should not panic about its teeth growth. Complete care of Maine Coon teeth should be done to prevent any sort of dental issue.

Maine Coon cats can easily get dental problems if their owners don’t help with their oral hygiene. The main message here is that you need to brush your Maine Coon’s teeth.

Also, consult a veterinary specialist.

See Also: Maine Coon behavior problems & their solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

When do Maine Coon kittens start teething?

Most Maine Coon kittens start teething around 3 to 4 months old.

At what age do Maine Coon kittens lose their baby teeth?

Maine Coon kittens usually lose their baby teeth by 3-4 months old, and their adult teeth start coming in. By 6-7 months, they’ll have all their adult teeth, totaling 30.

Should I worry if my kitten swallows their baby teeth?

It’s not a concern if your kitten swallows their baby teeth since they’re small and pass through their system easily. If worried, consult your vet for reassurance.

When should I schedule my kitten’s first dental check-up?

You can schedule your kitten’s first dental check-up around 6 months old when their adult teeth are coming in. This ensures their oral health is good as they grow up.

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