All About Short Hair Maine Coon: Can a Maine Coon Have Short Hair?

All About Short Hair Maine Coon: Can a Maine Coon Have Short Hair?

Short hair Maine Coon

Maine Coons cats usually have long and lush fur. But what happens when they don’t have it anymore? Do people even recognize short hair Maine Coons?

It’s not usual to imagine a Maine Coon cat without its long, dense fur. After all, that’s one of their chief features. Certainly, there are other cat breeds with long, slick fur. But for Maine Coon cats, this is what makes them special.

Short hair Maine Coon cats aren’t very famous. At least they’re not as famous as their longhaired cousins. Some people might desire to have a Maine Coon, but maybe their main concern is the long fur. That’s when the short hair Maine Coon becomes a great option.

It’s the best solution for people who don’t see themselves dealing with a thick coat. But you may be wondering if there are other differences between these two.

Are you drawn to the appealing ads featuring short hair Maine Coon kittens for sale? If yes, this article is here to guide you and avoid potential fraud. Because purebred Maine Coons are renowned for their big, flowing coats, so if the cat has short hair, it’s most likely a mix or not a Maine Coon at all.

The Origin of The Maine Coon Cat

The exact origins of the Maine Coon cat remain uncertain. While there are stories that explain their birth, none can be definitely proven.

It’s thought that the Maine Coon cat has descended from other breeds, including Norwegian or Siberian cats. Some believe the settlers, particularly the Vikings, brought them in.

Regardless, the most famous belief is that a Maine Coon cat originated in the United States of America, in the state of Maine, which is why it bears the name. Other names for this breed include the American longhaired or “gentle giant.” The gentle giant is quite a famous one and aptly captures their personality. The term “American longhaired” is kind of self-explanatory. In any case, both descriptions are highly exact, as they both refer to the breed’s giant size and longhaired traits.

However, Maine Coon cats aren’t your average lap cats for cuddling. If you’re seeking a feline companion who showers you with constant affection, you better keep on looking. This cat breed is known for its exceptional independence and adventurous nature.

Can Maine Coon Cats Be Short Hair?

Short hair Maine Coon cat

It’s very rare for purebred Maine Coon cats to have short hair, but it is still possible. Here’s why:

1.  Crossbreeding With Other Cat Breeds

Maine Coon cats can have babies with other cats that have short hair. If a Maine Coon is bred with a shorthair breed like a British Shorthair, Siamese, Burmese, or American Shorthair, the resulting kittens might end up having shorter hair compared to purebred Maine Coon cats.

2.  Younger Maine Coon Cats

Maine Coon kittens are born with shorter hair compared to adult Maine Coons, which means that a Maine Coon kitten might initially seem to have shorter fur. However, as the kitten grows and develops, their hair tends to get longer and more luxurious.

3.  Allergic Reactions or Infections

Allergies in Maine Coon cats, as well as problems like parasites and fungal infections like ringworm, can make these cats susceptible to skin diseases, leading to uneven hair loss. For example, flea bites might cause your Maine Coon to scratch off patches of fur from their body.

4.  Undernourishment

The condition of a Maine Coon’s coat and the length of its hair can be an indicator of its nutrient intake. If a Maine Coon cat has short hair, it might be an indication of poor nutrition and deficiencies. To make sure the cat gets the right nourishment, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian for an assessment. Maine Coon cats require proper and healthy food to prevent hair loss.

When do Maine Coon Cats Get Their Fur?

Maine Coon doesn’t have their signature shaggy fur from the start; it takes time to develop. The ear tufts first show when the kittens are two to three months old, and the thickening of hair tufts starts at around nine months.

The majestic mane of this breed can take years to develop, making it usual to find a “shorthair” Maine Coon kitten. Certain Maine Coon cats don’t reach their full fluff until age four! It’s necessary to remember that if your short hair Maine Coon lacks other crucial characteristics like a bushy tail, big paws, or large frame, they’re mixed.

Short Hair Maine Coons: Separating Fact from Fiction

Short Haired Maine Coon

A short hair Maine Coon cat isn’t very different from the longhaired one. Or does it? Sadly, there’s no particular breed that’s called the short hair Maine Coon.

If your Maine Coon cat has a bit shorter fur than the usual expectation, she may be a mixed breed. However, there’s nothing wrong with that. Mixes normally get the benefits of both worlds, both in terms of appearance and health. Therefore, there’s no need to worry about your adorable companion.

All in all, short hair Maine Coon cats don’t differ a lot from their longhaired counterparts. This includes both physical features and characteristics. For instance, a short hair Maine Coon cat retains the striking square shape of the head, featuring a slightly longer snout than that of other cats. Their ears are big, with rounded tips adorned with bits of fur on top.

A Maine Coon has a unique appearance because of its high cheekbones. This is the reason why their face seems a bit longer than other cats. These cats are also known for being bigger in size, which is another special trait of this incredible breed.

Maine Coon cats are one of the largest cats in the world, with males weighing between 7 to 12 kilograms, whereas females weigh a bit less than that. Because of this, their paws are large, made for stifling the sound of their walking and for moving more easily on top of the snow.

The short hair Maine Coon cat may not be as prepared for harsh conditions as the longhaired Maine Coon is. Nevertheless, they should be all right because they have a triple coat.

How Can One Identify If a Cat Is a Mix or a Purebred Maine Coon

If you’re thinking about adopting a Maine Coon, it’s essential to know how to tell if a cat is a mix or a purebred Maine Coon. Whereas a few Maine Coon mixes can have the same big fur as purebred Maine Coon cats, others might have shorter hair or different physical traits. Here are some simple tips for identifying a purebred Maine Coon cat:

1.  Facial Characteristics

Maine Coon cats exhibit unique facial characteristics, including large expressive eyes, prominent cheekbones, and tufts of fur on their ear. If a cat shows these features, it is more probably to be a Maine Coon mix.

2.  Physique Shape

Maine Coon cats are recognized for their big, muscular physique. They have elongated bodies, broad chests, and thick, plush tails. If a cat has a body shape that resembles a Main Coon cat, there’s a higher probability that it is a Maine Coon mix.

3.  Coat Texture

While short hair Maine Coons may not have the same luxurious coat as their longhaired counterparts, they still possess a thick, dense coat with a soft texture. A cat is less probably to be a Maine Coon if its coat is wispy and thin. If a cat seems like a short hair Maine Coon, there’s a higher probability that it is either a Maine Coon mix or a younger coon cat.

Characteristics of Short Hair Maine Coon Cat

Maine Coon short haired

The short hair Maine Coon isn’t a breed of its own. So, it could be a regular longhaired Maine Coon mixed with some other cat breed. This is why it’s possible that it has inherited some of the personality characteristics from both the Maine Coon and the other breed.

However, we can’t be cetain about the particular other breed present in this short haired mix. In contrast, what we do know for sure are the personality features of a Maine Coon.

They might not be the ideal choice for first-time cat parents as they need an owner with more experience. This doesn’t necessarily imply that they’re hard to deal with. However, you should do thorough research on this cat breed and seek advice from a registered breeder before bringing this specimen home.

Most people tend to form judgments based on looks, but we’re aware that looks can be quite deceiving. So, if you desire to get a Maine Coon cat to cuddle due to its fluffy and soft appearance, you may want to reconsider your plans.

But if you still decide to go for this breed, here’s what you can expect from them.

1.  Levels of Activity

Having originated in a challenging environment and then domesticated into a life indoors, you may predict the activity level. Yes, they’re too high. The short hair Maine Coon isn’t the kind of cat that will idle around all day doing nothing. On the contrary, they’re always seeking new ways to entertain themselves. They are also known to have dog-like traits.

This implies that their behavior is similar to that of a dog, as they prefer staying active and playful throughout the day rather than sleeping like most typical cats. If you’re not ready to give your pet occasional attention and playtime, you may get yourself in trouble.

These smart creatures can become easily bored. So, you’ll be required to keep them mentally stimulated and engage them in regular exercise through a variety of games. Failure to meet their requirements and expectations can cause issues. We all know what pets do when they’re bored and may resort to destructive behavior like damaging furniture.

Due to their powerful prey drive, ensure you don’t leave your windows open when you’re away, as your Maine Coon might easily wander off. They like to chase birds and other smaller animals.

Because of their high activity levels and friendliness, it may be best for your short hair Maine Coon to have a companion to play with. This cat breed is very friendly, so they require someone to keep them company. Another cat or even a smaller dog would make a perfect match.

2.  Friendliness

Many individuals get a pet that they can cuddle with or to spend quality time with. However, anyone with even a bit of interest in felines is aware that they’re highly independent.

If you’re considering getting a short hair Maine Coon or some other mix of this breed, it’s probably that they will retain some personality traits characteristic of the breed.

In general, Maine Coon cats are affectionate toward other animals and humans. Nonetheless, they remain inherently adventurous and curious creatures, occasionally requiring a little bit of personal space.

Hence, if you’re looking for a lap cat that’s going to lay at your feet for comfort, this breed may not be the best choice for you.

3.  Health Problems

Typically, Maine Coons are healthy pets with a lifespan of 10 to 13 years. Nevertheless, like any type of cat, it’s necessary to be aware of particular health considerations.

Both longhaired and short hair Maine Coon cats have a higher risk of getting joint disorders like hip dysplasia or arthritis because of their large size.

Moreover, Maine Coon cats are prone to dental disorders and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM).

Reputable breeders will conduct initial health screenings for your kitten, but it’s essential to continue monitoring them until they’re adults. Conditions like HCM and other health problems might not manifest during the cat’s early years.

However, it’s vital to remain vigilant for other diseases, especially if your pet is a blend of two distinct breeds. Sadly, each breed might be associated with particular health conditions.

The cat has a strong immune system when it is a mix of two or more breeds. This will help them live longer. Due to their strong immune system, they can battle with disease, increasing their lifespan.

They are unlikely to develop health problems that are common in some breeds.

Why Do Maine Coon Cats Have Such Thick Fur?

The majority of cats have a dual-layered fur coat, but the Maine Coon boasts remarkable triple-coated fur that showcases a diverse variety of colors and patterns. Even the short hair Maine Coon has a dense fur coat, but why is it so? This question leads us back to the origin of the Maine Coon cat breed.

Originating in the challenging climates of Maine, where winters are known to be cold and long, this cat breed evolved to adapt to the harsh conditions by developing a waterproof coat, necessary for weathering the cold climate.

The fur of both the longhaired and short hair Maine Coons cats serves the dual purpose of providing warmth and regulating their body temperatures. It also has a job during hot summer days. It works as a shield against the sun and heat. Another necessary thing out in the wild is dense fur as a defence mechanism. In encounters with other wild cats, the dense fur of the Maine Coon cat serves as a defence, making a shield against scratches and bites.

You might be familiar with the nickname “lion cat”, and this is well deserved. The Maine Coon cat possesses a significant and magnificent look, thanks to its mane.

The multiple layers of silky and luxuriant fur give them a fluffy look that the majority of people like. However, it’s necessary to remember that this lush fur needs special care.

If you have a short hair Maine Coon, maybe you’ve noticed that she’s not as fluffy as expected. That’s because the outer layer of the fur is shorter rather than long. But don’t worry, the inner coat is still there, keeping her fully protected from the harsh weather. Therefore, a short hair Maine Coon cat doesn’t differ a lot from the longhaired one.

Colors & Patterns

The Maine Coon cat’s broad spectrum of fur colors and patterns is what brought them a lot of fame next to their gentle personalities.

Short hair Maine Coon cats display a wide range of colors like orange, white, black, brown, red, cream, blue, and variations of these colors.

As for the patterns, you can find tabby, calico, smoke, bi-color, solid, as well as color point, each adding to their beauty and charm.

See Also: Black Smoke Maine Coon.


What are the basic grooming requirements for Maine Coon? The kittens require brushing three to four times per week, with trimming and bathing.

Following is the simple guide on how to properly care for a Maine Coon’s fur:

  • Brushing: Start brushing from the belly and move towards the tail, neck, and head. Long-fur cats should be brushed in an upward motion to avoid entanglement. During the winter season, take care of your purebred Maine Coons daily, especially when it’s rainy and snowy. The moisture present in the cat fur easily gets trapped, resulting in matting.


  • Bathing: Dirt can easily get stuck in a Maine Coon’s dense fur. Both longhaired and short hair Maine Coons should have a bath at least once a month to keep their coats clean and healthy. Avoid using human shampoo on your cat as it contains chemicals that react to the cat’s fur. Only purchase pet-friendly products.


  • Trimming: Short hair Maine Coon cats don’t require trimming, but their purebred counterparts should undergo occasional trimming. It is best to “take a little off the top” with scissors because the longer the fur, the more chance of hair tangling and matting. Trim the hair and comb out any loose strands.

Choosing The Perfect Brush for Maine Coon

When sourcing a comb or brush for your cat, consider both the texture of the fur and its length. Use a slicker brush with metal bristles if your cat has medium-long fur to untangle their hair.

For removing dirt, a shedding comb with stainless steel pins is also useful, it is also efficient to untangle hair in longhair breeds. A softer brush helps untangle the hair of a short hair Maine Coon.

Various Ways to Groom a Maine Coon’s Fur

In addition to other grooming sessions, Maine Coons also require:

● Hairball Control

● Well-balanced meal

1.  Hairball Control

Maine Coon with long and dense fur can face trouble with hairballs. They gulp plenty of loose hair when they groom, and a lump forms in their stomach. The lump is called a hairball. It can lead to severe stomach issues.

Even short hair Maine Coons can experience stomach problems due to hair gathering. To prevent this issue:

  • Exercise: Playtime is beneficial for your cat and also helps with bowel movement. Maine coons love playing; daily exercise is not only good for their health but also for their mood.


  • Cat grass: Different from catnip, cat grass helps in hairball digestion. It helps with nausea and has a calming effect on the cat’s stomach.


  • Fiber: Incorporate fiber into the diet of your Maine Coon. It helps with hairball control. Some fruits and veggies like pumpkins, broccoli, and cucumber promote good bacteria and strengthen your cat’s stomach.


  • Moisture: Cats should have 100ml of water per two kilos of their body weight. Make sure your cats drink plenty of water. Maine Coons usually like water, so it is not tough to get them to drink.

2.  Well-balanced meals

If a Maine Coon’s fur looks dry and dull, it might be because of a poor health problem or poor nutrition because what happens inside a cat’s body shows in their skin and fur. Purebred and mixed Maine Coon cats both require a balanced diet that includes:

  • Fatty Acids: Fish, seafood, and poultry contain omega-3 and omega-6. Fats from omega-3 and omega-6 nourish a cat’s skin. These healthy fats also help in wound healing.


  • Animal Protein: For a healthy body and shiny fur, cats require animal protein. Maine Coons are meat-eater by nature. Maine coon cats can’t get important nutrients from plants like taurine, so they must eat meat to stay healthy. Maine Coons are naturally big. They easily gain weight if they eat too much, leading to obesity. Another outcome of obesity is low-quality fur, where their skin gets irritated, causing issues like dandruff. Wet products are good for maintaining healthy cat fur. Dry food is not suitable for Maine Coons because it contains starchy ingredients and they are high in calories. Wet foods offer healthy fats and more proteins and help keep the cat hydrated.

Is It Safe to Trim Maine Coon’s Hair

It is a personal choice of owners to trim Maine Coon’s hair. It is generally not recommended, but in some cases trimming a Maine Coon’s fur might be helpful and needed.

For example, if a cat’s fur is severely tangled and regular grooming is not enough, trimming can be beneficial. It is necessary to think about the problems before deciding. Visiting your vet and getting advice is a good idea to verify the cat stays healthy.

Looking For a Short Hair Maine Coon for Sale?

Purebred short hair Maine Coon kittens or cats are very rare to find. Maine Coons mix with other breeds, resulting in a short hair appearance.

Is Excessive Shedding Common in Maine Coons

As temperatures change, cats shed more, especially in spring and fall, to adapt their fur. This will help the cat to stay cool in summer with lighter fur. If your cat is shedding too much, visit your vet.


If you were looking to get a short hair Maine Coon cat as a pet, it could be quite challenging. Sadly, short hair Maine Coons are not recognized as a distinct pure breed cat.

Purebred Maine Coon cats do not have short hair. Quite the opposite, they have a luxurious, long coat that contributes to their distinctive lion-like look.

Adding to the mix, Maine Coons have a wide range of colors and patterns. Their dense fur serves a necessary role in keeping them warm and secure from the weather and other dangers.

They typically appreciate their independence, but they also enjoy some company.

The short hair Maine Coon is friendly toward humans, as well as other pets. However, due to their high activity level, considering regular exercise or getting your pet a friend is recommended.

This approach ensures that your feline companion stays healthy and fit. More importantly, she will stay mentally stimulated and satisfied.

See Also: Munchkin Maine Coon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Maine Coon have an adorable appearance?

Yes, they have wonderful personalities. They are often referred to as “gentle giants.” They are a stunning cat breed with a gorgeous personality.

Does Maine Coon experience quicker growth?

Once your cat reaches nine months, their growth rate will slow down, though it won’t cease completely. Maine Coons are known for their bigger size as compared to other breeds and attain their full size when they are four or five years old.

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